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How Do I Help My Child Learn English?

By VIPKid  |  March 8, 2022

Ready to start teaching English online?

Teach with VIPKid

by Lisa Price

There are a lot of reasons your child should learn a foreign language. Maybe they’re learning a new language for school. Or maybe you’re looking to enroll them in online English classes for the first time––there are a lot of advantages to online learning and helping your child learn English. Whatever the case, you’re probably wondering: how do I help my child learn English as a second language?

Well don’t worry, we’re here to help! Learning a new language can be extremely rewarding for your child––they’re being exposed to a whole new culture! But helping them can also be just as rewarding for you as a parent. It is a great way to bond and spend time together. 

Teaching your child a new language takes practice and patience. There are a variety of ways you can do this at home. Let’s look at our top 3 suggestions on how to teach your child English as a second language.

Teach Your Child English
Parents play an important role in learning.

Reading and Role-Playing

Children’s books are a fantastic way to help your child learn a new language––VIPKid teachers know that reading is one of the best ways to teach phonics to ESL students, too. 

If you’re not sure what book to start with, find one of their favorite stories in their native language that’s translated into English. This will help them understand what’s happening in the story and give them context. 

But effective reading is so much more than just looking at pictures and sentences. When you’re reading with your child, encourage them to recreate scenes from the story with you. We call this role-playing––it’s like acting out a play!

Role-playing is great, too if you’re looking for help on how to help your shy student. Whether it is pretending to be a Wild Thing in Where The Wild Things Are or a page from A Very Hungry Caterpillar, it’s a great way to get your child to practice the language and grasp an understanding of what they’re reading. 

Once they have a foundation, you could even recreate the story by acting it out with them. There are almost limitless ways that reading and role-playing can help you teach your child English as a second language––give it a shot!

Everyday Routines 

A simple and effective way to teach your child English as a second language is to incorporate it into your everyday routines. 

We recommend creating a schedule using pictures and English words for your activities. For example, if you want to practice your morning routine in English, say things like “Let’s brush our teeth,” with a picture of a toothbrush on your schedule. Remember to keep it simple––don’t try to do too much, like saying “okay, first we will brush our teeth, second, we will get dressed, third…” 

Combining pictures, words, and actions is also an easy way to start practicing total physical response (TPR).

Once your child starts to have a better understanding, it can also be a great way to practice other things associated with the activity such as body parts, the weather, colors, and clothing items. Your routine can be about anything, not just a morning routine. Try it out!

Positive Reinforcement and Having Fun

Using positive reinforcement is vital for teachers to build rapport in the online classroom. But it’s also a key part of supporting your child’s language learning journey––you never want them to give up. 

You know your child better than anyone––you know their interests, what is a challenge, and their talents. Whether it’s reading a story, watching a TV show, or counting toys, it’s important to keep encouraging your child. By making it a fun and positive experience, they will want to keep learning more from you. 

A great way to show positive reinforcement––just have fun! Use some of the best games for English speaking practice, or even just sing with them and make up songs together. You could even create a reward system for learning English at home.

Try Learning English with VIPKid for Free!

Teaching your child on your own can be exhausting. At VIPKid, we offer online English lessons from qualified teachers––we’ve taught over a million lessons to students around the world!
Want to try for free? Sign your child up for a free trial lesson with VIPKid and see if online English learning is right for them!

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Ready to start teaching English online? Teach with VIPKid 家長必須認識到孩子在學習英語時可能會經歷沉默期的情況,即語言學習者在這段時間內不會口語表達。(Krashen,S. 1981,《第二語言習得和第二語言學習》)。 當孩子學習母語時,他們需要經歷長達一年的「聽」的過程,才能夠說出第一個詞語。對於第二語言而言,沉默期的長短因人而異:有的人只有一天,有的人則可能需要半年或更長時間。在沉默期,孩子透過「聽」提高語言技能,透過接收可理解的語言輸入發展語言能力。(Long,1985,《輸入與第二語言習得理論》) 在學習第二語言的過程中,理解總是先於生產。在英語的四種主要語言技能中(聽、說、讀、寫),前兩種是聽說,而後兩種則與識字有關。聽力是一種理解技能,說話是一種表達技能。因此,聽力理解總是先於口語表達。同樣地,閱讀是一種理解技能,而寫作是一種表達技能。因此,閱讀理解總是先於寫作表達。雖然聽力和口說之間有明顯的聯繫,但讀和寫之間的聯繫也非常普遍。 對於處於默語期的孩子,老師需要創造一個全英文的環境,利用課件以有趣的方式與他們互動,培養孩子的語感,包括語音和語調的感覺。請不要期望你的孩子馬上就會說英語,也不要給孩子施加壓力讓他們多學習。儘量不要在孩子一回到家就問,“你今天在課堂上學到了什麼?你能說出幾句你學過的英語嗎?”多一些耐心,多一些鼓勵,和孩子一起度過沉默期,讓他們很快就能大膽地說英語。(VanPatten, B.(2017),《當我們在談論這個話題時:靜默期》) 以下是對於「靜默期」更深入的理解: 靜默期是學習第二語言的兒童中非常普遍的現象。 靜默期尤其常見於年齡在3至7歲的非常年輕的學習者身上,但有時也可能發生在小學早期的學習者身上,且持續時間可能從幾周到一年不等,這取決於孩子本身以及他們的害羞、缺乏自信、以前接觸過英語和文化影響等因素。 靜默期通常在學習者精神上積極處理語言並開始實際學習時發生。 靜默期可以透過觀察學習者的眼球運動、身體動作等來辨認,這些行為表明孩子正在進行心理處理或已經理解。 教師應該耐心地鼓勵學習者用友好的方式生產語言,並在學習者準備好時允許他們進行生產步驟。 教師應提供充足的反應時間,並鼓勵學習者冒險並嘗試做出反應,而不必擔心受到懲罰。 學習者可以通過使用插圖、多個適合不同年齡和水平的句子結構範例、替換和重複使用不同的詞彙來克服靜默期。 教師可以使用身體動作和輔助工具來協助學習者理解語言,因為在語言習得中,理解先於生產,通過接觸來學習。 參考文獻: 克拉申,S.(1981)。第二語言習得和第二語言學習。佩加蒙出版社 Long, M.H.(1985)。輸入和第二語言習得理論。在S.Gass&C.Madden(編輯)中,第二語言習得中的輸入(第377-393頁)。紐伯裏之家 亞瑟,J. J.(1977)。通過行動學習另一種語言:完整的教師指南。天空橡樹製作公司 VanPatten, B.(2017)。當我們談論這個話題時:沉默時期的BVP。語言教學,50(3),418-429

April 25, 2023
